All Saints Highertown

Inclusion and Social Justice

“Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute,” (Psalm 82:3).

“Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, and please the widow’s cause,” (Isaiah 1:17).

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We have been so grateful to partner with some great organisations and groups who have worked really hard to make ASH known as a safe space in our city.

A place where everyone is welcomed, listened to and where practical help is offered, without judgement. ASH serves in areas classified as within the 20% most deprived neighbourhoods in the country, meaning far too many, including children, suffer profound hardship. Despite being surrounded by housing estates, either built, being built or in need of refurbishment, a great many people are lonely, disenfranchised and struggling to cope. We don’t think this is how God intended us to live.

As well as partnering with organisations who do all they can to relieve poverty and the associated stress and hardship, we have employed a social justice missioner, Joff Phipps, to make sure our focus never wavers. As well as partnering with organisations who do all they can to relieve poverty and the associated stress and hardship, we have employed a social justice missioner, Joff Phipps, to make sure our focus never wavers.

Social Justice resources

Throughout the year there are different Sundays for the church to dedicate times of prayer, worship and teaching to justice issues in our world. We are also compiling tool kits to help you and your faith community easily engage with these big topics. In each tool kit you will find prayers, sung worship, children’s work, sermon ideas and further resources for your church to either use on the specific Sunday dedicated to that issue, or to use as you wish. If you have any feedback please email Joff Phipps, our Social Justice Missioner, at,uk.