All Saints Highertown

You can help

Committed to loving our neighbour and caring for the vulnerable.


Here you will find ways to pray, financially give to the church, and adverts for volunteering.

The community at All Saints really values its partnerships and the work we can do together in the community. We’re not just a church but a community provider and as such we are always keen to hear from people who would like to join in. The cost of running a church and community facility has increased considerable over recent years, and although we work hard to reduce costs we still have bills to pay. It costs in the region of £160 a day to run the church and our facilities.

If you would like to give to the church or volunteer you’ll find what you need here. You’ll also find links to our partner organisations who will be delighted to hear from people who are looking to volunteer.


If you are interested in supporting the church by volunteering in one of these areas please contact the parish office by emailing


You can give in many different ways…

Prayer Resources