

Sermon for Palm Sunday 2020

Fear has no hold on us - Easter Day Sermon 2020

Doubting Thomas (John 20:19-31) - Sermon for 19th April 2020

The Road to Emmaus - Sermon for 26th April 2020

A New Abundance - A sermon for John 10:1-10

Sermon John 14:1-11 - In my Father's house...

Sermon for 17 May 2020 - John 14:15-21

Sermon for the Feast of the Ascension (24 May 2020)

Sermon for Pentecost and the Tower of Babel (Acts 2:1-21)

Sermon for Trinity Sunday - 7th June 2020

Sermon for 14th June 2020 - Racism and Black Lives Matter

Sermon for 21st June - Arise and Walk Forth! aka Blessed are the Peacemakers.

Sermon: The Good Samaritan 28 June 2020

Sermon: Parade or Protest

Sermon: Privilege (12th July 2020)


Mediation: Contemplation is Being

Meditation: Broken Vessels

Meditation: God's love and heartbreak.

Meditation: The Holy Trinity

A contemplative Easter sunrise service

Meditation: Parade or Protest

What is Worship?

What is Worship? Episode 1/5: Language

What is Worship? Episode 2/5: Spirit & Truth

What is Worship? Episode 3/5: Worship & Praise

What is Worship? Episode 4/5: Rediscovering Worship

What is Worship? Episode 5/5: Going Forward