Stewardship and Offering
Thank you so much for your financial support. We could not fulfill our vision without your generous offering of your time, talents and finance. We encourage regular members of the church to contribute to the mission of the church and the activities associated with it.
You can give in many different ways…
One-off giving by clicking here or by bank transfer:
All Saints Church Highertown PCC
Account Number: 29419260
Sort Code: 77-09-12
Quote reference as: your first name and surname
Direct debits via Parish Giving Scheme is our recommended way to give. You can sign up by telephone (0333 002 1271: Mon – Fri 9AM – 5PM). You will need your bank account details and the church’s PGS details, which are:
Church name: All Saints, Highertown
Town: Truro
PGS code: 390 639 122
Diocese: Truro
Alternatively, please contact the church office for a PGS paper application form.
Credit or debit cards using the contactless card reader (in church and office)
Leave a Legacy in your will. Contact Liz Wallace ( to find out more.
If you are a tax-payer we can claim 25% of your gift at no extra cost to you. Please download the PDF form here or Word version of the form here, complete it and email to our Gift Aid officer, or post/leave it to the church office.